Balázs Varga graduated in 2012 from the Department of Actor’s Art at the Faculty of Theater and Film, within Babeș-Bolyai University, and played at the “Szigligeti” Theater in Oradea. He is currently an actor at the “Tompa Miklós” National Theater Company in Târgu-Mureș. Here, he was cast in shows directed by Radu Afrim (Sensul vieții Emmei, Beție, Tihna, Castingul dracului), Aba Sebestyén (Petrecerea, Parfumerie, Lumânările dreptății) or Balázs Benő Fehér (Regele Ioan, Intrigă vs. Iubire). In cinema, he acted in undergraduate films of Sapientia University students and had an appearance in Sunset (dir. László Nemes).