Metrobranding – a Love Story between Men and Objects
Ana Vlad, Adi Voicu
While people in Western Europe were used to choose between hundreds of brands, the communist Romania used to have a different experience: one brand for each basic product. Imagine the importance these "monobrands" acquired in the lives of those who made them and in the lives of those who used them. Relaxa the mattress, the Drăgăşani sneakers, Pegas the bicycle, Mobra the motorcycle, the Fieni light bulb and Ileana the sewing machine, which were once the stars of the Romanian golden era, are now the characters in Metrobranding.
Festivals: Visions Du Reel-Nyon 2010, DokLeipzig 2010, Jihlava 2010, ZagrebDox 2011

Ana Vlad, Adi Voicu
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