Call for entries – Transilvania IFF 2016
Submissions for the 15th edition, which will take place between May 27 – June 5, 2016, are now open.

You can now submit your film for the 15th edition of Translvania International Film Festival (May 27 - June 5, 2016, Cluj). This year, in order to simplify the process, we implemented a registration system through the platform Besides screeners, the films can also be submited with a link to a video platform.
The guidelines and the entry online form can be found here:
Please note that when submitting a film, you have 3 options:
- if you have the film on vimeo or other video platforms, please insert in the form the link with a username & password
- you can upload it to our VOD platform:
- send it via DVD
Either way you chose, since we love DVD, we encourage you to send us your film on this support too, even if it's also online. Our programmers travel often, and sometimes DVDs work better then the internet connection.
February 1, 2016 – for films submitted for the Official Competition, No Limit, Supernova, Shadows Shorts, What’s Up, Doc?
March 1, 2016 – for Romanian Days (features and shorts)
Our address is:
- Festivalul International de Film Transilvania
- Str. Popa Soare, Nr. 52, Ap.4, Bucuresti, Romania, Cod postal 023984
- Tel/fax: 0040 21 326 02 68 / 0040 21 326 64 80
- E-mail: [email protected]
For any inquiries, please contact us: [email protected].