Juan of The Dead
Alejandro Brugués
Juan is 40 years old, most of which he spent in Cuba doing absolutely nothing. It’s his way of life, and he’s prepared to defend it at any cost, along with his pal Lázaro, as lazy as Juan but twice as dumb. Suddenly some strange things start to happen, people are turning violent and attack each other. Little by little Juan and his friends start to realize that the attackers are not normal human beings and that killing them is quite a difficult task.
Toronto 2011, Sitges 2011, Stockholm 2011, Toronto After Dark 2012, Bruxelles Fantasy 2012, Fantasporto 2012
Silver Raven - Bruxelles Fantasy 2012, International Fantasy Film Award - Fantasporto 2012, Best Iberoamerican Film - Goya 2013

Alejandro Brugués
Running time:
1h: 32m