Jury members

Competition Jury



    Guillermo is one of the most influential filmmakers hailing from Mexico. He became famous overnight in 2000, when Amores Perros, a film he wrote and Alejandro González Iñárritu directed, world premiered in the Critics' Week sidebar at Cannes being hailed as one of the best features of that year. After this impressive success, Guillermo and Alejandro were invited to Hollywood, where they worked together again, writing and directing 21 Grams, a film that received two Academy Awards nominations, and Babel (seven Academy Awards nominations, winning a trophy for Best Original Score).

    Guillermo switched to directing in 2008, when his first feature The Burning Plain, starring Charlize Theron, was released. Besides his filmmaking career, Guillermo is also an accomplished writer. His first novel, “Escuadrón Guillotina”, was published in 1991, while his most recent, “Salvar el fuego”, hit the bookstores last year.



    Scott knows his craft from both sides of the camera through his work as a director, writer, actor and producer. Filmmaker Magazine named him one of the “25 New Faces of Independent Film” for his film first film, Ellie Parker, starring Naomi Watts and Chevy Chase. His second feature, Adult World, premiered at the Tribeca Film festival. His screen adaptation of Haruki Murakami’s All God's Children Can Dance screened as the opening night film of CineVegas and at the Deauville International Film Festival. As an actor, he has appeared in numerous films including three John Hughes films, Nicholas Kazan’s Dream Lover and several David Lynch movies including Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, Inland Empire and, of course, Twin Peaks: The Return. Scott’s latest feature film It Takes Two will be released in September 2021.



    Christian’s prolific experience and expertise is the result of a long career with the world’s leading film festival at Cannes. He works on presenting the Festival abroad and in locating films. He joined the team of the most prestigious international film festival in 1983. At first, he worked in the Press Office, and has since 1995 managed the Festival’s Film Department, where he is in charge of the pre-selection and selection process. As a deputy, he maintains close operations with the Cannes Film Festival General Delegate Thierry Frémaux, who is considered to be among the most influential people in the world film industry. He has also translated over one hundred films from English into French.





    Maria is an academically trained theater and film actress. Her international TV career started in 2003 with a leading role in the BBC production Gunpowder, Treason & Plot. Then she was cast in the acclaimed British miniseries Sex Traffic, receiving a Gemini Award for her role as a young Romanian sold into slavery. Maria starred in her first Romanian production, Love Sick by Tudor Giurgiu, which premiered at the 2006 Berlinale. She has worked across Europe in Belgium, France, Austria, Germany and England. For her performance in Die Zweite Frau by German director Hans Steinbichler she won a Grimme Preis in 2009. She worked closely with director Radu Muntean as she starred in Tuesday, After Christmas that premiered in Cannes in 2010, One Floor Below and Alice T., and returns this year to Cannes with his most recent film Întregalde.




    Katriel studied at the New York University Film School. He founded his own production company, Belfilms, producing over 150 films. In 1999 was appointed the CEO of The Israel Film Fund authorizing the support and the production of 300 feature films. He has received many awards, among them The Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres, Berlinale Kamera, Special Medallion of the Telluride Film Festival, and The Variety Award.


Romanian Days Feature Jury



    Ewa graduated in Media Arts from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and Film Producing from Polish Film School in Łódź. In 2015 Ewa joined sales company New Europe Film Sales in Warsaw. As New Europe's Festival Manager she's worked on such festival hits as The Last Family by Jan P. Matuszyński, Summer 1993 by Carla Simon, Winter Brothers and A White, White Day by Hlynur Pálmason and many others.

    Ewa is in charge of New Europe’s marketing and just recently worked on campaigns for such films as SWEAT by Magnus von Horn (Cannes 2020 Official Selection), The Disciple by Chaitanya Tamhane (Venice 2020 Competition), Lamb by Valdimar Jóhannsson (Cannes 2021 Un Certain Regard) and Oscar Nominee Corpus Christi by Jan Komasa.



    Born in 1964 in Berlin, Bernd studied political science at the Free University of Berlin. He has had various curatorial responsibilities for several film festivals, and since 1996 he has been associated with the FilmFestival Cottbus in various positions, finally becoming the event's programme director in 2015. Starting this year, he is responsible for the programme of the Jewish Film Festival Berlin and Brandenburg. He also programmes the competitions of the European film festival Cinedays in Skopje and works as a selection consultant for the Berlinale section Forum. He also works as a film journalist and lecturer and is a member of the European Film Academy.




    Born in 1952, Freddy has explored the cultural field since early youth. After a career in book publishing, film became the main work starting 1985 and many low budget films were made in his 700-square-meter studio in the middle of Stockholm.

    In 1987 he started to work for Göteborg Film Festival, spending many years as the chairman of the festival. He is now traveling the world as senior programmer and watches about 700 films a year. But he has also made a few films, one to remember being The Mill and the Cross, directed by Lech Majewski and starring Charlotte Rampling and the late Rutger Hauer. He also is acquisitions consultant for Folkets Bio, an independent distributor in Sweden with more than 20 cinemas around the country. He is also an international advisor for the Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival.

Romanian Days Short Jury



    Doris is a cultural manager and curator based in Vienna. Since 2018 she’s festival co-director of Vienna Shorts, Austria's only Oscar® qualifying film festival. She studied political science at the University of Vienna. Until 2014 co-founder and director of the independent DVD rental store Filmgalerie 8½ and the short film festival espressofilm in Vienna.

    In 2012 she co-founded the Film Festival Forum, an association of 22 film festivals in Austria. She was the spokeswoman of this Forum until beginning of 2018. Doris works also as a curator for exhibitions, the last one was “Shaping democracy” at the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna, a short film exhibition on the occasion of the 100 years anniversary of the Austrian Republic.



    Xavier is the founder of Film Republic, a London-based film sales agency specialising in world cinema and feature documentaries. Since its inception almost ten years ago, Film Republic has celebrated a gender balance in its lineup and has worked with multiple Oscar entries including the works of Pirjo Honkasalo (Concrete Night), Adrian Saba (El Limpiador), Marcel Gisler (Rosie) and Rolando Colla (Seven Days). Xavier previously worked as a freelancer journalist and photographer, and in various festival roles including at Sundance London, Raindance Film Festival, Sheffield Doc/Fest and the East End Film Festival.



    New York-born Jay lives in Rome and has been a film critic there for Variety since 2003, travelling to film festivals around the world. His work on contemporary cinema has appeared in international publications including Sight & Sound and The London Review of Books, and he’s contributed essays in numerous festival and retrospective catalogues, with a particular focus on Arab and Romanian film.

    He was appointed director of the Giornate del Cinema Muto/Pordenone Silent Film Festival in 2015 and has written widely about various aspects of silent film. He also has a blog, “The Silent Cat,” which delves into forgotten stories of the silent film era.




    Marina is an award-winning journalist, one of the leading film critics and reporters in the

    Republic of North Macedonia. She is a founding member and deputy Editor-in-Chief of the SDK digital newsroom. She was a founding member and Deputy of Editor in Chief of Vest Daily, at the time the biggest newspaper in the country.

    She edited the books "Manchevski Monograph" and "Rain - The World About Milcho Manchevski's Before the Rain". She participated in FIPRESCI juries at a number of film festivals (Venice, Sarajevo, Istanbul, Thessaloniki, Oberhausen, Chemnitz, and Mannheim among others).



    Jean-Max is a cinema professor and critic. He wrote many books about great directors such as Federico Fellini, Woody Allen, Pedro Almodóvar, Sergueï Paradjanov and Emir Kusturica. He also managed some cinema collective works, for example "Philosophie et cinema" and "Comment parler de cinéma"

    He wrote for Jeune Cinema, Éclipses and on the website Iletaitunefoislecinema.com and Jeunecinema.fr. His most recent studies, about L'Atalante and La Grande Vadrouille, have been published in the "Les meilleurs films de notre vie" and "Les Films sélectionnés" collections owned by the Gremese publishing house.




    Jenni writes about film and music for nationwide newspapers and magazines (e.g. „Spiegel“), works as a film critic for several radio stations, writes film scripts, co-curates the Panorama Section of the Berlin Film Festival, moderates film talks, film press conferences and film panels for the Berlin Film Festival, the International Short Film Festival Dresden and the International Film Festival Emden-Norderney. She is also a member of several film award juries, works for the Commission for the Protection of Minors in the Media, and teaches journalism.

Juriul Tinerilor Francofoni

    Mardar Iuliana


    Mardar Iuliana, 21 de ani, studentă în ultimul an la Studii Teatrale și Management Cultural în cadrul Facultății de Teatru și Film din Cluj-Napoca.

    Prima mea întâlnire cu teatrul a avut loc la vârsta de 12 ani. A fost o parte importantă a pregătirii mele personale și profesionale, care mi-a ghidat pașii spre scrierea dramatică. Interesul pentru scriere, limba franceză și activitățile din cadrul organizației Adapto Youth Constanța au țesut în jurul lor un parcurs în care am putut observa îndeaproape fenomenele socio-culturale care se reflectă în textele scrise de mine până acum. În timpul liceului, am participat și la Festivalul de scurt-metraje pentru adolescenți FILMMIC și am organizat ateliere de teatru pentru copii și adolescenți. Cred în puterea educației prin arte și teatru, în dezbateri și mediere culturală, precum și în dreptul fiecărui copil de a avea acces la o educație de calitate, sper că în anii următori voi contribui la construirea școlii în care mi-ar fi plăcut să învăț. Deoarece vreau să mă încadrez în diplomația culturală, participarea la Juriul Tânăr Francofon al Festivalului TIFF este pentru mine un mod de a-mi exprima recunoștința pentru francofonie și pentru arta cinematografică, care poate constitui o legătură puternică între două țări precum România și Franța.

    Karine Henriques


    Numele meu este Karine Henriques, am 22 de ani, sunt studentă la masterat în Relații Internaționale și Literaturi Anglofone la Paris. Cinematografia se numără și ea printre interesele mele foarte variate.

    Urmăresc destul de frecvent recenzii de filme online, inclusiv cele ale cineastului american Chris Stuckmann, precum și analizele de regie și de producție pe canale YouTube – Lessons from the Screenplay, Every Frame a Painting, Nerdwriter1 și Top 10 de la CineFix –, pe care le recomand cu drag. Sunt întotdeauna dornică să descopăr filme mai puțin cunoscute de publicul larg.

    Voi face parte din Jury jeune francophone la Festivalul Internațional de Film Transilvania (TIFF), care va avea loc la Cluj-Napoca de la sfârșitul lunii iulie până la începutul lunii august 2021. Vă invit să veniți în număr cât mai mare, este ocazia perfectă de a descoperi multe talente ascunse, mai ales dacă sunteți iubitor de film! On se retrouve le 23 juillet ! Ne vedem pe 23 iulie! See you on the 23rd of July!

    Mădălina Timu


    Bună, eu sunt Mădă!

    Am studiat litere moderne, iar acum lucrez în domeniul coordonării de proiecte, dar am fost mereu interesată de mediul cultural, care m-a determinat să fac un stagiu de serviciu civic la Dijon, în cadrul Sezonului Franța-România.

    După ce m-am întors în România, am încercat să mă investesc în continuare în acest tip de proiecte, participând la organizarea unui festival de film în orașul meu natal: Câmpulung Film Fest. Pentru mine, filmul servește pentru a ne pune întrebări și, în același timp, pentru a pune în fața societății o oglindă care o descrie și o pune sub semnul întrebării.

    Juan-José Almarza


    Numele meu este Juan-José Almarza, sunt chilian și în prezent sunt doctorand la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai. Am studiat la Universitatea din Valparaíso (licență) și la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (masterat). Sunt îndrăgostit de cinema, care mă face să călătoresc, să visez și să supraviețuiesc pandemiilor (până acum).


    Blanche Peuch


    Mă numesc Blanche, sunt franțuzoaică și termin anul acesta studiile medicale la Cluj-Napoca, unde am trăit timp de 6 ani. Sunt obișnuită să pictez și să desenez foarte mult, am făcut și videoclipuri, recent am realizat și gif-uri din desene animate pentru festivalul Clujotronic. Am o mare pasiune pentru film încă din copilărie, când am descoperit cinematograful francez, și până astăzi, când descopăr cu mare entuziasm filmele sosite din toată lumea, acordând o atenție deosebită filmului documentar.

Juriu Full Moon Script Contest

    Andrei Crețulescu



    Născut în București, în 1974. Fost critic de film. Fost producător HBO. Scrie și regizează din 2012. Cel de-al treilea scurtmetraj, Ramona, a câștigat premiul Canal+ la Semaine de la Critique, Cannes 2015. Lungmetrajul de debut, Charleston, a avut premiera în competiția de la Locarno 2017. Este în preproducție cu cel de-al doilea film, Jeux sans frontieres.

    Cătălin Mesaru


    Director Artistic al Lună Plină - Festivalul Filmului Horror & Fantastic

    Născut în același an cu filme ca Aliens, The Fly, Demons 2, Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives și Blue Velvet, Cătălin Mesaru și-a descoperit pasiunea pentru filme horror și/sau dubioase de la o vârstă (probabil) mult prea fragedă. Și pentru că dragostea asta a fost mult prea mare, a ajuns, peste ani, să fie director artistic al festivalului „Lună Plină”, primul festival de gen din România, unde menirea lui a fost și este să șocheze, să bage groaza în oase (și în alte zone ale corpului) și să genereze discuții despre cinemaul de gen în rândul spectatorilor festivalului.

    Constantin Popescu


    Regizor și scenarist

    Constantin Popescu este  autor de scurtmetraje (Apartamentul, Apă, Faţa galbenă care râde, Mecanica nostalgică a întâmplărilor, Ninel), seriale (În derivă, Rămâi cu mine, HBO România) şi lungmetraje (Portretul luptătorului la tinereţe, Amintiri din Epoca de Aur, proiect omnibus, alături de Cristian Mungiu, Hanno Höfer, Ioana Uricaru, Răzvan Mărculescu; Principii de viaţă; Pororoca). A făcut parte din juriile unor festivaluri internaţionale de film – Torino, San Sebastian, TIFF, printre altele. În 2018, a condus workshopul Ikusmira Berriak din cadrul Festivalului Internaţional deFilm San Sebastian.