An entertaining and melancholic story, it tells of great loves and awe-inspiring utopias. A legend crowded with heroes... Three generations of a Sicilian family: From Cicco to his son Peppino then grandson Pietro... With the private vicissitudes of these characters and their family on the sidelines, the film conjures up the loves, dreams and delusions of the community as a whole from the thirties to the eighties in the province of Palermo last century: Cicco was a humble shepherd during the years of fascism, but he found time to devote to his ideals: books, poems about knights, and the great popular novels of the time. During the periods of famine and the second world war, his son Peppino came across injustice and discovered a passion for politics.
Awards & Festivals: Golden Globe nomination – Best Foreign Film (2010), Pasinetti Award – Venice 2010