InfiniTIFF 2019: Virtual Production and AV Content
infiniTIFF returns to the Transilvania International Film Festival for its 3rd edition between June 1-8, 2019.

This year’s program, dedicated to the future of audio-visual content, will explore the way digital transformations and disruptive technologies influence not only mobility and communication, but also culture and entertainment. The program includes: infiniTIFF Summit, a half-day conference on virtual production and the future of work; infiniTIFF Workshop, a collaborative event with the participation of local stakeholders from various industries; and VR Cinema, which will again offer audiences a generous selections of film, recent productions and virtual “classics” alike. The program is supported by Banca Transilvania.
This year’s primary goal is to stimulate local entrepreneurship towards virtual film, game, animation, and AV production, as part of the larger Cluj Future of Work project. Thus, infiniTIFF Workshop will do a deep dive into the needs and aspirations of local actors involved in AV production. For half a day, on June 2nd, visionary entrepreneurs and decision-makers in art, culture, and academia in Cluj will explore opportunities for interdisciplinary work in AV production. The resulting infiniTIFF Manifesto will propose directions for action for authorities, creatives, and entrepreneurs, and will be publicly debated at infiniTIFF Summit.
infiniTIFF Summit–Creative Professionals Meet Tech Experts
InfiniTIFF Summit, to be held at the Platinia Conference Center on June 6, is addressed to professionals working in film, business, IT, technology, and design. Special guests include Guido van Nispen (Amsterdam), publisher of think tank Silicon Vallery i4J (Innovation for Jobs), Jean-Colas Prunier (Paris), founder of PocketStudio and world class expert in software development for digital film production, Mikael Windelin, independent producer and VFX Specialist, Hermione Flynn and David Bennet (Berlin), founders of Mimic Production and groundbreaking pioneers in 3D animation and motion capture, and Anamaria Vrabie and Ovidiu Cîmpean (Cluj), the driving forces behind Cluj Future of Work, an EU backed project looking at the disruption of jobs and skills in the local economy. Complete program available at:
Virtual production makes financial sense but is also content-wise, and creating dynamic local networks for virtual production is vital for developing the local capacity for major international productions. It is incumbent on the film, gaming, and tech industries to develop more efficient means for collaboration. InfiniTIFF Summit is a platform for discussing these new directions and finding new solutions with the help of expert international guests. Additionally, an open pitching forum will be available to any entrepreneur, freelancer, researcher, or creative who wants to present their products, services, skills, or specific needs.
Tickets for infiniTIFF Summit available here: