6 Exhibitions to Visit at #TIFF2022 in Between Films

Images from inaccessible places, photographs taken by Krzysztof Kieślowski himself, immersive experiences and emotions captured by the camera lens during the first 20 years of TIFF can be admired in 6 exhibitions open to the public from 17 to 26 June. Cinema lovers, photography lovers and new media enthusiasts will be able to visit them, with free access, every day of the Festival, at the Art Museum in Cluj-Napoca.
People, Places by Krzysztof Kieślowski | ART MUSEUM
Launch event: 18 June, 15:30, attending director Jan P. Matuszyński
A selection of 40 black and white photographs taken by Kieślowski himself during his student years in the Polish city of Łódź, complemented by a screening of the short film Talking Heads (1980) in which the director asks two simple but profound questions: “Who are you?” and “What do you want?”. Forty years later, the young director Jan P. Matuszyński pays him a tribute by making the short film Talking Heads 2021 and asking the same questions to actors and directors for whom Kieślowski was a true landmark. Both short films will play as part of the exhibition. The exhibition, open daily from 17 to 26 June, is part of the Krzysztof Kieślowski retrospective organised as part of Focus Poland at TIFF 2022.
Courtesy of: Polish Institute Bucharest, Polish Film Institute
Money Talks - Remus Țiplea
Launch event: 19 June, 18:00 - Meet the photographer - Remus Țiplea
For some of us, money is just a tool to ensure our existence, for others it is existence itself. Photographer Remus Țiplea documents how money has entered traditions, religious life, vice and gambling, entertainment and currency exchange, all those places where money actually talks.
The Sleeping Beauties - Cristian Lipovan
Launch event: 19 June, 18:00 - Meet the photographer - Cristian Lipovan
Part of a larger project, The Sleeping Beauties photo collection is about the art of decay, about the story of deserted, abandoned places that were once full of life, about the sad or happy stories of people who once lived there. The photographs are taken in different places in Romania, Czech Republic, France but most of them are from Chernobyl. The photo album “Walk with me in Chernobyl” will be presented exclusively at this event, together with the first magazine in Romania to deal exclusively with photographers and photographs of abandoned places.
In Search of Paradise - augmented reality exhibition
Launch event: Thursday 23 June, 18:00 - Meet the artist - Anca Damian
“In search of paradise A.R.” marks director Anca Damian's first new media project, an immersive intervention in the world of the film The Island. Starting from the demystified version of the novel “Robinson Crusoe” that Gellu Naum presents in “The Island”, the exhibition proposes a new reading of the subject through the lens of 21st century reality, using tools and media specific to it. Bringing to the forefront pressing contemporary issues such as migration, ecology, human alienation and technology, Anca Damian's “Island” brings a classic work to life through a new approach. The advancement of technology over the last few centuries is thus incorporated into the narrative through the way the story is presented, bringing the action out of the book, into theatre, film, and then into augmented reality, turning the reader into an active participant in the story's universe. The exhibition is open to visitors every day of the Festival.
In Search of the Old Masters | Claudiu Guraliuc
Launch event: 24 June, 18:00 - Meet the photographer - Claudiu Guraliuc
In love with the drama of light and dark, the atmosphere and composition of Baroque paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens or Caravaggio, photographer Claudiu Guraliuc approaches images, usually of mythological or biblical inspiration, sometimes including a slight erotic tinge, often working with professional actors to bring his vision to life. The images reflect, in equal measure, the photographer's personality and life, stories seen with eyes wide shut to which he has remained fond. The exhibition will be on view at the Art Museum from 20 to 26 June.
Eroilor Boulevard in Cluj-Napoca turns into a huge open-air exhibition space during the Festival. Taken during the first 20 editions of TIFF, the images you will discover here manage to immortalize unique moments in the history of the Festival and all the emotion surrounding them. The photographs selected for the exhibition from the millions taken over the years can be admired every day from 17 June until the last day of the Festival.